
No. 제목 강사 상태 등록일
1386 My home tess 교정완료 2022-08-04
1385 영어일기쓰기 tess 교정완료 2022-08-04
1384 Day 16 (What famous person would you like to visit for one hour?) Victor 교정완료 2022-08-04
1383 Introducing my self tess 교정완료 2022-08-04
1382 Day 15 (Would you give me some good ideas of social development?) Victor 교정완료 2022-08-04
1381 가훈 설명하기 tess 교정완료 2022-08-04
1380 Day 14 (Would you tell me about your plans during the summer vacation?) Victor 교정완료 2022-08-04
1379 물건에 감정 이입해서 쓰기 tess 교정완료 2022-08-04
1378 사실 묘사 tess 교정완료 2022-08-04
1377 장소 tess 교정완료 2022-08-04

본인글 확인 작성