
No. 제목 강사 상태 등록일
1096 Do you have any favorite things to do in your free time? tess 교정완료 2022-07-28
1095 manners tess 교정완료 2022-07-28
1094 Could you tell me about a trip that you recently took? tess 교정완료 2022-07-28
1093 Do you have any favorite things to do in your free time? Victor 교정완료 2022-07-28
1092 Could you tell me about a trip that you recently took? Victor 교정완료 2022-07-28
1091 물건에 감정이입하여 쓰기 Victor 교정완료 2022-07-28
1090 What event in your life made you happy? Victor 교정완료 2022-07-28
1089 Explain why it is a good place for you to relax. Victor 교정완료 2022-07-28
1088 흥미있는 과학분야 쓰기 Victor 교정완료 2022-07-28
1087 My favorite things to do in my freetime Victor 교정완료 2022-07-28

본인글 확인 작성