
No. 제목 강사 상태 등록일
996 Music Victor 교정완료 2022-07-17
995 Science and technology Victor 교정완료 2022-07-17
994 My university Victor 교정완료 2022-07-17
993 장소 tess 교정완료 2022-07-17
992 인물묘사 tess 교정완료 2022-07-17
991 monday tess 교정완료 2022-07-17
990 What important lesson have you learned from a family member tess 교정완료 2022-07-16
989 Describe an object that is very special in your life tess 교정완료 2022-07-16
988 What event in your life made you very happy? Explain what happened to you and why you felt so happy tess 교정완료 2022-07-16
987 Describe a place where you go for rest and relaxation. Explain why it is a good place for you to re tess 교정완료 2022-07-16

본인글 확인 작성