
No. 제목 강사 상태 등록일
946 Manners 2 Victor 교정완료 2022-07-10
945 Describe a person who I admire Victor 교정완료 2022-07-10
944 My favorite things to do in my freetime Victor 교정완료 2022-07-10
943 Manners Victor 교정완료 2022-07-10
942 My summer vacation plan Victor 교정완료 2022-07-10
941 Describe a place where you go for rest and relaxation Victor 교정완료 2022-07-10
940 July 9th Diary Victor 교정완료 2022-07-10
939 My university tess 교정완료 2022-07-10
938 Introducing yourself tess 교정완료 2022-07-10
937 Manners tess 교정완료 2022-07-06

본인글 확인 작성