

제 목 My favorite things to do in my freetime  
교정강사 Victor
등록일 2022-07-28
작성글 I usually go in my free time to City Hall and to Reading Terminal Market. Because these places is near to my monotory. Also they have a lot of shopping store around there. I enjoy to go and to shopping there, but there's food are not tasty for me. I drank a milkshake in Fiveguys, thus that was very very salty. So I'll don't go there again. Overall I walked very much there, so I was very tired.


I usually go in my free time to City Hall and to Reading Terminal Market. Because these places is near to my monotory. Also they have a lot of shopping store around there. I enjoy to go and to shopping there, but there's food are not tasty for me. I drank a milkshake in Fiveguys, thus that was very very salty. So I'll don't go there again. Overall I walked very much there, so I was very tired.




Title: My favorite things to do in my freetime

Better:  My hobbies


Previous Sentence: I usually go in my free time to City Hall and to Reading Terminal Market.

Better Sentence:  I usually go to the City Hall and to the Reading Terminal Market in my free time.

                            Pron V                       WF                    WF                    A

Previous Sentence: Because these places is near to my monotory.

Better Sentence:  It is because these places are near my dormitory.

      ​                                          PL  

Previous Sentence: Also they have a lot of shopping store around there.

Better Sentence: They also have a lot of shopping stores.

                                        WF                                        AC WF        Pron V          ADJ      

Previous Sentence:  I enjoy to go and to shopping there, but there's food are not tasty for me.

Better Sentence:  I enjoy wandering and shopping there, but the food there is not tasty enough for me.

                                 WF                       PL        WF  WF               AC

Previous Sentence: I drank a milkshake in Fiveguys, thus that was very very salty.

Better Sentence: I ordered a milkshake in Fiveguys, but it was very, very salty.                             

                                WF WF     ADV P

Previous Sentence: So I'll don't go there again.

Better Sentence:  I won’t go back in there again.


Previous Sentence: Overall I walked very much there, so I was very tired.

Better Sentence: I walked too much today, I’m exhausted.




Revised Writing: 

I usually go to the City Hall and to the Reading Terminal Market in my free time. It is because these places are near my dormitory. They also have a lot of shopping stores. I enjoy wandering and shopping there, but the food there is not tasty enough for me. I ordered a milkshake in Fiveguys, but it was very, very salty. I won’t go back in there again. I walked too much today, I’m exhausted.




Red                              Remove/omit

SF                               Sentence Fragment 

Lower                         Change the letter(s) to small letter(s)

                                    Change the letter(s) to big letter(s)

FR                               Wrong word order


                                Indent the sentence.  

NR                              No error/mistake

WB                              Wrong abbreviation

                                 Start a new paragraph

#                                  Space needed

×​                                  Remove a space​

​                                Transpose (change the position of the word) 

WSP                           Wrong spelling

AP                               Add a period (.)

AC                              Add a comma (,)

AE                               Add an exclamation point (!)

AQM                           Add a question mark (?)

AAP                            Add an apostrophe (‘)

PL                               Change to Plural form

WF                              Wrong word form

WW                             Wrong word

WPU                           Wrong pronoun usage

RO                              Run-on (Fused Sentence)

S                                 Subject Needed

V                                 Verb needed

P                                 Preposition needed

C                                 Conjunction needed

                                Article needed

PRON                            Add Pronoun

ADV                            Add Adverb

ADJ                              Add Adjective

AN                            Add Noun

MP                              Misused Preposition

//                                  Faulty Parallelism


Edited by: Victor




법인명 : ㈜비에스아이티씨 / 대표자 : 김태형 / 법인등록 번호 : 105-87-70670호
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