

제 목 Mother  
교정강사 glenda1
등록일 2022-01-31
작성글 My mom always annoy me. When I get out to drink, she nitpick me.
I know that I should prepare for the university and I know It is hard to study at university in another country.
So I must play now. I'll study from march. I really want graduate the university and I'll study hard. I want my parants to trust me but they don't they seems like trust me but I know they don't. Please trust me!






Red fon        = Remove/omit the red colored part.

                 = Indent the sentence.  

Lower case  = Change the letter(s) to small letter(s).

UC             = Change the letter(s) to big letter(s).

NR                = No error/mistake

WB             = Wrong abbreviation

WS             = Wrong Spelling

AP              = Add punctuation mark(s)

FR              = For revision

               = Start a new paragraph

#                   = Add a space

×                = Remove a space

                 = Transpose (change the position of the word) 

SF                  = Sentence Fragment

AW              = Add a word (noun/pronoun/preposition/verb)

MP  ​                  =  Misused preposition. 




My mom always annoy me. When I get out to drink, she nitpick me.

My mom is really annoying. Whenever I would go out to drink, she'll start nagging and nitpicking on me.


I know that I should prepare for the university and I know It is hard to study at university in another country.​

I know that studying in the University​ abroad is difficult and somethig that I should prepare for.

So I must play now. I'll study from march.

Suggested sentence: However, it's too early. I still have time to enjoy and relax. Anyway, I can do it on March.


                 AP ​                                AP 

I really want graduate the university and I'll study hard.

I really want to study hard and graduate in the university.  



I want my parants to trust me but they don't they seems like trust me but I know they don't.

I want my parents to trust me but it seems like they don't.

Please trust me!



법인명 : ㈜비에스아이티씨 / 대표자 : 김태형 / 법인등록 번호 : 105-87-70670호
통신판매업 신고 : 제 2015-서울송파-1819 호
한국 : 서울시 송파구 충민로 66 (문정동, 가든파이브테크노 7152호)
해외 : Unit 2905 One San Miguel Bldg, Ortigas Center, Pasig City Metro Manila Philippines.
이메일 : suesjh26@gmail.com 전화 번호 1661-5168
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